Roemer News

Gamdom Scam: Felix Romer Rigs Bet in Advanced “Nonce Attack”

On the 25th of January, Twitter user Mihai reported an incident where his bet nonce was modified before a dice on roll Gamdom, resulting in him losing a bet of $896.70. The dice bet, with an 82.55% chance of winning, mysteriously lost after skipping two nonces.

A ‘nonce’ in a provably fair system is an iterative number that increments by one every time a bet is placed. The nonce allows the same server seed and client seed to be used for multiple bets, as its outcome cannot be predicted and the client seed does not have to be rotated for each game. It is a crucial part of any provably fair system. (In Britain, the term ‘nonce’ refers to a child molestor, but Roemer News could not confirm a link between the two meanings of the terms, despite Roemer’s expertise in both areas.)

Mihai’s bet, which should have had a nonce of 99 (as the bet prior to it was 98), instead had a nonce of 101, which resulted in a loss. The correct nonce, 99, as well as the subsequent nonce, 100, would have resulted in a win for Mihai, as confirmed by the provably fair system. Either through a deliberate attack or a system error, Gamdom selected a nonce that was two numbers ahead in order to make the player lose his bet instead of win. Roemer News sources close to the matter reportedly state that this nonce attack was orchestrated by Felix Roemer himself, and not by a rogue employee or software error.

When Mihai contacted Gamdom support to receive clarification on the matter, he was shockingly met with disdain and contempt. The Gamdom support agent accused Mihai of not understanding how the nonce system worked, and falsely stated that nonces might not work in an iterative fashion, suggesting that nonces can be skipped without user activity. Felix Roemer, widely known for his severe skill issues, seems to have trained his employees in these characteristics as well.

“Events like Gamdom’s nonce attack highlight the true importance of provably fair,” said CrazyMMG, the founder of the Provably Fair Foundation in an interview with Roemer News. “The fact that operators can openly skip nonces and give people incorrect results is harmful to gamblers. Most gamblers do not verify their provably fair, so these attacks can go undetected. Good job to Mihai for spotting this nonce attack and calling it out. The Provably Fair Foundation is conducting a detailed investigation into the matter. Although we cannot make a judgment on Gamdom’s intent yet, we are hard at work to establish the root cause behind this event.”

Other industry experts took a different view of the matter. In an interview with Roemer News, Warren, Chief People Officer at CSGOEmpire had some insightful remarks on the situation. “It just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m completely baffled, and all of this is highly suspicious. I can’t believe this. Why would anyone ever deposit $900 on Gamdom? It just doesn’t add up.” Eddie Craven, Melbourne crime boss and owner of popular streaming platform Kick responded to a request for comment, remarking “Not surprised that Felix was on the Epstein list and now he goes ahead and pulls this. That’s two nonce attacks in one month.”

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