Roemer News

Exclusive Interview with Felix Epstein Roemer, The Short Gambling Kingpin and Monarch, The Gambling Community’s Authority

In this exclusive and riveting interview, we sit down with two titans of the gambling world: Felix Epstein Roemer, the man of many skill issues, infamously known as the short gambling kingpin with a penchant for high-stakes controversies, and Monarch, revered as a stalwart authority within the gambling community. From audacious exploits to strategic masterstrokes, this conversation delves deep into the minds and machinations of these influential figures, shedding light on their dynamic roles in shaping the landscape of modern gambling and geopolitics. Join us as we explore their insights, experiences, and the unforeseen impacts of their actions in the world.

Nick Garracks: Felix, let’s start this interview off with you. You’ve certainly carved out a reputation as one of the most polarising figures in recent memory. Your actions have ranged from committing eco-terrorism to causing significant geopolitical unrest, with your ventures reportedly causing billions in damages worldwide and even spiking anxiety rates through your infamous UFO stunts — all while managing your failed casino, Gamdom. With such a substantial impact, I’m curious — do you feel that your height of 153 cm has played any role in these actions? How has this aspect of your personal identity influenced your approach to life?

Felix Epstein Roemer: It’s interesting you start there, Nick. Honestly, my height has never defined me in the boardroom or on the casino floor. It’s all about the mind games and strategic plays. If anything, being underestimated has often worked to my advantage.

NG: Felix, you mention being “underestimated”, which frankly seems a bit non-sensical given the extensive public record of your endeavours. From the outside, it appears every estimation might actually be an overestimation, considering the notable skill issues that have emerged through your ventures. How do you reconcile this view of being underestimated with the visible challenges and frequent mishaps that have characterised your career? How are you managing to navigate these high-stakes industries with such a notorious track record?

FER: That’s a fair point, Nick. It might seem paradoxical to some, but being underestimated in my case doesn’t necessarily come from a lack of visibility of my failures; rather, it’s about how others perceive the potential for my success despite those failures. Yes, I often commit heinous crimes and lead to the destruction of many billions of dollars in assets — no one’s denying that. However, each of those instances has been a learning experience. I operate in realms where high risk can lead to high reward, and sometimes, the opposite. 

My skill issues often lead others to think I’m bound for failure, which sometimes works to my advantage when I pull off something successful… which, yes, I’m still yet to pull… but that’s besides the point — it catches people off guard. It’s about leveraging every situation, good or bad. Essentially, my approach has been about adapting and continually strategising. Despite the setbacks, I keep moving forward, using my missteps as stepping stones.

NG: Monarch, pivoting to a particularly sensational episode in the saga of Felix’s career, let’s discuss the “Raging Rex” incident. After losing $2.4 million to you in a table tennis match — an outcome Felix described as the activation of his so-called ability “Raging Rex” — he claimed he had anticipated and strategically engineered his own defeat. This incident seems to have been a significant turning point for Felix, who, despite his notorious reputation, went on to fund the Halden Nature Channel, yet also got involved in funding both sides of the Israel-Iran conflict. How do you view the impact of this incident on Felix? Do you think it triggered a positive transformation in some ways, or further fuelled his more controversial impulses?

Monarch: It’s clear, Nick, that Felix is a man of contrasts. The “Raging Rex” incident, while it could be seen as just another notch in his belt of erratic decisions, seems to have had a dual impact. On one hand, his funding of the Halden Nature Channel shortly after the incident does suggest a desire to channel some of his resources into something genuinely positive, which could be viewed as a redemptive move. However, his simultaneous involvement in exacerbating geopolitical tensions indicates that the old habits — those high-stakes, risky manoeuvres that he’s infamous for — are still very much in play.

The incident itself, while outwardly just another loss, seems to be Felix’s way of recalibrating his strategies, perhaps even pushing his own limits of what he can orchestrate under the guise of losing. Whether it’s a positive or negative impact is difficult to definitively say — it seems to have propelled him in both directions simultaneously. What’s undeniable is that Felix remains a figure who thrives on the unpredictable and controversial, continually blending the lines between calculated risks and reckless behaviour.

NG: Speaking about controversy, I want to bring up a topic that was reported by Roemer News in January, there’s been considerable public interest and speculation surrounding a particular image that surfaced, depicting both of you sharing the same bed. This photo has inevitably led to various stories and theories about your personal and professional relationships. Could either of you comment on this situation or provide some clarification about what was actually happening in this image?

FER: It’s just a picture, Nick. Next question, please.

M: Yeah, what Felix said. Let’s keep this about the business, shall we?

NG: Sure. Moving on. Felix, what do you think the biggest change in the crypto gaming space will be over the next few years?

FER: In the coming years, we anticipate the crypto gaming space undergoing a significant transformation, primarily driven by increased global regulation and the harmonisation of policies. Governments and regulatory agencies are now acknowledging cryptocurrencies as assets, leading to a greater allocation of resources for monitoring and control. As blockchain-based technology and associated financial transactions become more widespread, we can expect a rise in scrutiny and oversight to ensure compliance with regulations. This shift towards a regulated market will instil greater stability and confidence in the crypto gaming industry, fostering a safer and more secure environment for both players and operators.

NG: Felix, your response about the future of crypto gaming focusing on increased regulation and stability is interesting, especially in light of past issues like the nonce manipulation incident on Gamdom reported earlier this year. This incident where a user’s bet lost due to an altered nonce sequence seemed to undermine the very trust and security you’re advocating for. How do you reconcile these past challenges with your vision for a more regulated and secure future in crypto gaming?

FER: Nick, the nonce issue you’re referring to was a minor hiccup in the grand scheme of things — a skill issue, if you will. It’s not indicative of systemic problems within Gamdom or the broader crypto gaming space. We addressed it swiftly, ensuring it wouldn’t undermine our platform’s integrity. I believe focusing on the regulatory future and how we enhance security and trust industry-wide is more beneficial. Let’s move on to the next question, shall we?

NG: Felix, your actions have generated a series of damning headlines recently, each painting a troubling picture of manipulation and controversy on a global scale. From funding both sides in the Iran-Israel conflict, engaging in predatory insurance practices during a catastrophic flood in Dubai, to accusations of triggering natural disasters and creating a gambling trillionaire through questionable means — not to mention the shocking revelation of a secret eugenics program tied to Gamdom. These activities have raised serious ethical and legal questions. How do you respond to these allegations that depict you not just as a controversial figure in the gambling world, but as someone who might be actively contributing to global unrest and engaging in deeply unethical practices? How do you justify these actions to yourself, and what is your response to the global community that is increasingly alarmed by your behaviour?

FER: I’m not really sure how all of this happens… I kind of just work here [at Gamdom]. Sorry.

NG: Turning to you, Monarch, given the gravity of Felix’s casual dismissal of such serious allegations, I have to ask: how is it possible for an individual to cause such extensive chaos and yet claim to be unsure of how he’s doing it? What’s your take on this?

M: Skill issues.

NG: Right. Personally, I hold a sliver of hope that Felix could change for the better, perhaps even grow a couple of centimeters in the process. Monarch, in your interactions with him, what are you doing to help guide or influence Felix towards a more positive path?

M: I’ve taken a somewhat direct approach in assisting Felix with some of his more personal challenges. Notably, I helped him cut ties with his father, Jeffrey Epstein, who, contrary to popular belief, is still alive and was exerting a significant influence over Felix. Severing these ties has been a crucial step for him. It’s already yielding positive changes; for instance, Felix has shown a new commitment to better causes, evidenced by his funding of the Halden Nature Channel. It’s a clear sign that he’s moving in a healthier direction, away from past controversies.

FER: I have tremendous respect for Monarch for stepping in and really trying to help me navigate through some complicated personal issues. It’s been quite transformative. We’ve been trying to find common ground, shared interests that we both believe in, which can foster positive change — not just for us but potentially for the community as well. The Halden Nature Channel project is one such venture. It’s something we’re both excited about, something constructive that we can focus our energies on together. And Nick, I must thank you for presenting this project to me. It’s opened up a new chapter for us, and hopefully, it will make a significant positive impact.

NG: As we bring this interview to a close, I find myself a bit emotional. It’s clear that with the right support and shared projects like the Halden Nature Channel, there’s a real opportunity here—not just for personal growth but potentially to address and even end the skill issues that Felix has been known for. Together, there’s a chance to turn a new leaf. Thank you both for your candidness and willingness to engage in this deep and meaningful conversation today.

FER: Thank you, Nick. This interview has been a great opportunity to reflect and share a bit more about the changes and challenges. Appreciate the thoughtful questions.

M: Thanks, Nick. It’s been a pleasure discussing these important topics with you. Always good to shed light on the paths to improvement and the positive steps being taken.

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